Monthly Archives: December 2011

Hire Me!

Thanks to some friends circulating this around recently, I got a free download of this simple yet noteworthy handbook…I only wish we had sophomore portfolio reviews. But if you are a sophomore in design school, check it out! The UCID Class of 2012, created this handbook with the goal of guiding sophomore students in the process of building their first portfolios. Design on.

Land an internship

Step 01: What do you want to do?

Meet with your career counseling center. Even if you feel it’s a waste of time, they’ve had a lot of (positive) experience in helping students get on the right track and may know an HR recruiter in your desired field. Plus, they will go over your resume with you and target your specific goals. Trust me, we all have spelling mistakes and terminology mishaps, make an appointment asap!

Before we get into the 100+ things I’ve learned from my internships, you need to get one. There are lots of ways to do it, and I will post these articles as I find them for your reference. UC Berkeley has put together a really nice summary of how to approach internships. My fascination came from their focus on Developing Your Own Internship! 

Check back to hear from my friend Andrei Ridic Petrov on how he turned Redbull University into an internship with Redbull in California.


The Art of Interning

Doing what you love may seem like a far off dream when you’re in college. But it’s time to make school your passion. I started this blog to spread the word about how to get an internship, and how to keep your internship. Yes, it’s time to call that company you’ve been buying products from since you were 13, or introduce yourself to the captain of the cycling club. Who knows, maybe you want to ride your bike for life…did you know you can get paid to do that? Dream big kids. That seems to be the theme at RIT this year, and my goal here is to get you motivated to land an internship-one you’re going to love.

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